Children love learning with Fluffy and Ivy! The Two Happy Bears books teach the ABCs in a fun and exciting way, with lots of colorful images and many words to expand each child’s vocabulary.
The Alphabet Time books feature hundreds of fun pictures of Fluffy and Ivy and the words they find that begin with each letter of the alphabet. The books are made specifically for Kindle and are available on Amazon.
Book 1 of Alphabet Time With The Two Happy Bears features over 30 images of Fluffy and Ivy, and many more pictures that demonstrate over 66 words that start with the letters A, B, and C. The bears wear aprons while fixing apples and apricots, fly an airplane in the afternoon, eat a big breakfast, play with a ball on the beach, blow bubbles, go for a ride in their cool car, take pictures of clouds with their cameras, and much more!
You can also subscribe to the Two Happy Bears’ newsletter and receive a free sample PDF of Letter A from Alphabet Time.
Book 2 of Alphabet Time With The Two Happy Bears includes more than 25 images of Fluffy and Ivy, as well as lots of pictures that show over 60 words that start with the letters D, E, and F. The Two Happy Bears drive to a diner, dance to disco, see a donkey and a dog, exercise, say hello to an elephant, visit a friendly farm, play football, see fireflies in the forest, watch fantastic fireworks, and much more! There are also pictures of a duck, dolphin, deer, earth, egret, fox, fingers, feet, and fish, to name a few.
Book 3 of Alphabet Time With The Two Happy Bears teaches the letters G, H, and I with over 50 words and more than 40 pictures. The Two Happy Bears eat grapefruit, see a goat, visit a giant giraffe, walk in the green grass, eat honey, see a hummingbird, wear hats, ride a horse, stand on an iceberg, build an igloo, eat ice cream, go to an island, and much more! There are several other pictures of animals and objects, like a goose, glockenspiel, guitar, gloves, hammer, hole, icicles, and an insect.
Book 4 of Alphabet Time With The Two Happy Bears features the letters J, K, and L, with 42 illustrated pages that teach more than 50 words. Fluffy and Ivy eat jam and jelly, go for a jog, fly a jet to a jungle, learn to juggle, play with a jack-in-the-box, fly a kite, paddle a kayak, look through a kaleidoscope, climb a ladder to pick lemons, make lemonade, laugh, visit a lighthouse and a log cabin by a lake, go to the library to learn, and much more. The book also includes many other pictures of words that begin with J, K, and L, like jellybeans, jacket, jeans, kangaroo, koala, key, king, kazoo, ladybug, lion, and lightning, to name a few.
Book 5 of Alphabet Time With The Two Happy Bears features the letters M, N, and O, with 42 illustrated pages that teach more than 40 words. Fluffy and Ivy wake up early in the morning, have muffins and milk for breakfast, wear mittens, hike to a mountain, listen to a music box, perform magic, look at the moon, eat noodles, take a nap, go for a walk at night, eat an omelet, go to the ocean, and play the organ and oboe. The book also includes lots of other pictures of words that start with M, N, and O, including a map, monkey, mailbox, mouth, necklace, narwhal, oven, olives, orca, and much more.
Book 6 of Alphabet Time With The Two Happy Bears features the letters P, Q, and R, with 44 illustrated pages that teach more than 50 words. Fluffy and Ivy eat pancakes, pepperoni pizza, popsicles, and pumpkin pie. they visit a penguin and give peaches to a pig, they paint pictures, pick pumpkins, and play with puppets. The Two Happy Bears also practice the piano, make quilts, see a quail, read a book in the rain, see a rainbow, and ride a rocket with a robot! Book 6 also features many other words that start with P, Q, and R, like peacock, pineapple, palm tree, quill, queen, quack, rabbit, raspberries, road, and many more.
Learn the Letters with Fluffy and Ivy
The interactive Apple eBooks include delightful pictures, entertaining poems, and educational audio examples to help children enjoy learning the letters of the alphabet. Each book also includes a colorful chart with interactive audio for every letter. These books can be read on any iPad or Mac computer that views iBooks. If you do not have an iPad or Mac, see the Kindle book listed below.
Learn the Letters A, B, and C with Fluffy and Ivy, Book 1
Book 1 teaches the letters A, B, and C. Fluffy and Ivy will eat apples and apricots, fly in an airplane, play the accordion, watch a blue bird on a barn with their binoculars, play the banjo and bass, go for a ride in a car, play the clarinet, and much more! The book includes 32 pictures (21 of them feature Fluffy and Ivy), with audio clips for each image.
Buy the Apple iBook of Learn the Letters, Book 1
Learn the Letters D, E, and F with Fluffy and Ivy, Book 2
Book 2 teaches the letters D, E, and F. Fluffy and Ivy will pet a dog, see a donkey, play the drums, dance to disco music, say hello to an elephant, ride in an elevator, visit a farm, play football, watch fireflies, see fireworks, and much more! The book includes 30 pictures (19 of them feature Fluffy and Ivy), with audio clips for each image.
Buy the Apple iBook of Learn the Letters, Book 2
Learn the Alphabet from A to Z with Fluffy and Ivy for Kindle
This interactive Kindle ebook features Fluffy and Ivy learning every letter of the alphabet. The book teaches more than 180 different words, with over 50 pictures of Fluffy and Ivy. Each picture has popup text, so children can select an image for every letter and see how each word is spelled. This fun book is a great way for you to help your child learn all of the letters of the alphabet.
Buy Learn the Alphabet from A to Z with Fluffy and Ivy on Amazon
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